Leleux Associated Brokers

Client summary

Leleux Associated Brokers

Sector: Financial industry

Client’s target group: B2B, B2C

Luna’s role: PR partner

Activities: Press relations

Region: Belgium


Luna’s main task for stockbroking firm Leleux Associated Brokers is to generate vital media attention through press releases and interviews. We primarily target the economy sections of the general press and more specialized economic and financial media, taking account of the target audience.
In addition, Luna proactively informs journalists about the extensive financial analyses performed by analysts at Leleux. These analyses culminate in an annual press lunch in December, where various figures for the coming year are presented.
Having worked with LAB for many years, we have gained in-depth knowledge of this client, allowing us to respond effectively to the latest developments and ensure press coverage.

Olivier Leleux, Executive Director at Leleux Associated Brokers: “Leleux Associated Brokers has called on Luna to help with its press relations since 1999. Luna handles almost everything – writing press releases, organising interviews, following up on press clippings – and since 2010 it has also organised press conferences and round tables for the presentation of our financial analyses. Our working relationship has become even better over the years, and Luna’s results-driven approach ensures great media coverage. To us, trust in our business partners is paramount, and we prefer long-term collaborations. We are extremely happy with the decision we made back in 1999.”