Pharmacie Servais

Client summary

Pharmacie Servais

Sector: Healthcare & Pharma, Leisure Time & Lifestyle

Client’s target group: B2C

Luna’s role: PR-Partner

Activities: Press relations

Region: Wallonia


PR for a line of cosmetics products and chain of pharmacies

Luna’s main task was to use press releases and interviews to generate media attention for Pharmacies Servais, a chain of pharmacies in Wallonia. There were excellent results in the mainstream press, in health and lifestyle magazines, and even in audiovisual media and professional journals, including HR-focused media.

The press releases covered a wide range of topics, such as the opening of new pharmacies and the launch of Bee Nature, a new line of cosmetic products. Plenty of attention was devoted to Pharmacies Servais in, among other things, interviews with Trends-Tendances magazine (published in the ‘Parcours’ section) and a feature on Bee Nature (honey therapy) in the RTL Belgium show ‘Ça va vous changer la vie’.