
Client summary


Sector: IT & Telecom, Public Services

Client’s target group: B2C

Luna’s role: PR Partner, Content marketing & copywriting Partner

Activities: Press relations, Crisis communication, Websites, Social media & blogs, Internal communication

Region: Belgium


The Federal Public Service (FPS) Policy and Support (BOSA) carries on various activities through its directorates-general (DGs), which include the successor to the FPS Information and Communication Technology (Fedict). Among other things, the FPS Policy and Support is responsible for the development of e-government, and it develops systems that other government agencies can use to improve the services they provide to the public, businesses and civil servants. One of the service’s main projects was the development of software for the electronic identity card. In 2018, the FPS Information and Communication Technology became the DG Digital Transformation and part of the FPS Policy and Support.

Luna was responsible for handling contact with the press relating to new projects on behalf of the FPS Policy and Support. We also produced texts and blogs for the website. In addition, we acted as a communication partner and adviser in a number of internal projects of a sensitive nature.