Luna kantoor

Get to know our colleague Aurelia better in 5 questions

My name is Aurelia and I have just joined the Luna team. I have exchanged my journalist’s hat for that of a press officer. Some will humorously say that I have joined the dark side. 😊 Before this job, I worked for more than ten years in the world of B2B magazines, mainly for Roularta. The number of companies, managers, employees, enthusiasts, colleagues and creatives I have met along the way are countless. Every meeting was a real source of inspiration and enrichment. I am now very excited to start a new adventure at Luna and equally curious to discover another facet of the world of information and communication.

My new colleagues are also very curious: through their countless questions, I can see them wonder who they are dealing with. But I want to reassure them. So I agreed to submit to this traditional Q&A ritual, one that every new Luna team member has to go through. Enjoy reading!

1. Do you like cooking and what is your favorite dish?

I love to cook! I come from an Italian family, so all things food and dining are part of our heritage. Unfortunately, I spend little time behind my cooking pots because my days are always so busy. So I stick to recipes that are simple, quick and healthy. On the other hand, if there is a special event, I take the opportunity to create more elaborate menus and I really enjoy that. For example, last Christmas I prepared beef Wellington and ‘spaghetti alla chitarra’, an Italian specialty from the Abruzzo region. The ‘chitarra’ (or pasta guitar if you like) is a wooden tool with evenly spaced metal wires that is used to cut fresh pasta into spaghetti. This gives a thicker, rougher texture, perfect for sauces such as ragù.

I don’t really have a favorite dish, but I love authentic Oriental and Asian flavors. I’m always ready to eat at an Indian, Lebanese, Japanese or Thai restaurant. Oh yes, and I love cheese!

2. What is your most beautiful memory?

It may sound a bit cliché, but my fondest memory is my wedding day. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a day more intense and rich in emotions than this one. You put so much heart and energy into preparing this very special day, the day itself I was able to let go of all the pressure and experienced everything intensely. The joy and conviviality that radiated this day made it an unforgettable event. It was magical. Of course there were many other happy moments and events, but they were not as intense. The birth of both my daughter and son are other special memories that are etched in my memory.

3. What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

“Let it go”. That’s the first thing that comes to mind. It’s easier said than done, but very liberating if you are able to do it. Mindfulness and meditation are very helpful with this.

4. Children often make funny statements. Do you have one of those from your daughter?

My daughter is five and it’s more the way she expresses herself – when there is something that really affects her – that makes me smile. She then has a very mature tone, that she combines with expressive facial features. I have an anecdote from when she was two years old.

In August 2021 we went on a city trip to Rome. My daughter didn’t talk a lot yet, but she had learned to say “Mamma mia.” When we arrived at Rome airport, we took a taxi to the hotel. The reception by the taxi driver was very simple and the silence in the car was quite heavy. Maybe it was because we were tired or because we were still in the covid period? Anyway, it was my daughter who broke the silence by repeating “Mamma mia, mamma mia!” at the top of her lungs. She just couldn’t stop! The taxi driver burst out laughing. That really broke the ice!

5. What are you reading at the moment? Do you have a favourite author?

I don’t really have a favorite author. When I was younger I read a lot more than I do now. Again, it’s a matter of time… I was particularly fascinated by ‘The Da Vinci Code’ by Dan Brown and ‘Le Sang du temps’ by Maxime Chattam. I also enjoyed reading books by Marc Lévy. Nowadays I prefer books about humanities and practical life (psychology, spirituality, personal development/well-being, etc.) and I also have a soft spot for beautiful books. I currently have two books on naturopathy on my bedside table.